Year 3 to 6

Tip of the week

Make up a story with your child to help them learn about how stories are said/written. Get them to think of a character and decide what they look like, where they go, what they do, are there any unexpected surprises. Get them to think about the start, middle and end of the story. 


Your child will be learning lots of new topic words; to help them remember these words talk about the sounds in the word and what the word means, what it looks like and where you might find it. For example; Volcano starts with a ‘v’ and ends with an ‘o’ sound. A Volcano can be found in countries like Mexico. When a Volcano erupts lava comes out of the top.


If your child stammers, focus on what they are saying and not how they are saying it. Your child will know you are interested in what they are saying and that is the most important thing. You will be given specific advice by your child’s Speech and Language Therapist about further strategies.


When your child says the wrong sound, don’t ask them to say it the right way, as they won’t be able to do this yet. Instead, say the word with the correct sound e.g. “Look, Mummy, a tar!” You would reply, “Yes, look it’s a car. It’s a car.” As children get older, they need to hear the sound said correctly.